
“Herbie” Cohen was a legendary figure in the history of Camp Saginaw, and in the lives of the tens of thousands of campers and counselors who passed through the Camp during his tenure. Born in South Philly, Herb arrived at Camp Saginaw in 1950 as a
26-year-old counselor, and eventually became the head of the Boys’ camp. A big-hearted, fun-loving man, Herbie was dedicated to taking good care of children and young people, and teaching them, by example, about leadership, loyalty, curiosity and compassion. Herb passed away in 2001.

Read more about Herb’s impact on Saginaw and its campers here.


In Herb Cohen’s memory, a scholarship fund was created for underprivileged youth to attend Camp Saginaw. Supported by camp
alumni who recognized and appreciated the lasting influence the camp experience had on their lives, the scholarship fund grew to become the Herb Cohen Memorial Fund (HCMF.) A registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit,the HCMF has given hundreds of scholarships to families in need.


In assessing applicants and other prospective campers, the HCMF Scholarship Committee considers financial need and other family hardships, such as illness, divorce or death of a loved one. In addition to Camp Saginaw scholarships, HCMF provides funds for children to attend Variety Club Camps - a camp for disabled children, the YMCA, and Camp No Worries - a summer camp for children with cancer. Families are referred to HCMF by the camps they seek to attend.


HCMF organizes reunions that bring together former campers, counselors and staff of Camp Saginaw. These events strengthen our community and generate income for the fund, to benefit current and future generations of campers. For more information on upcoming reunions, please visit our events page.


We invite you to make a difference, by donating to provide young people with an experience that will have a lasting effect on their lives, that they too may become positive influences – in their relationships and communities.